Game Changer ® - Cold Smoker
Take your smoking game to the next level with the Game Changer ® Commercial Convection Cold Smoker. The Game Changer is unique in that the heat source and the smoke source are separate, making it ideal for cold smoking cheese, seafood, meats, condiments and much more in your commercial kitchen.
Replicate the flavor of traditional cold smoking with modern technology to make the job easy. The Game Changer ® Cold Smoker infuses your food product with the perfect amount of smoke, every time, with minimal effort. Once the controls are set in the menu, the GC Smoker frees you up to work on other tasks that need to be done. Set it and forget it!
The unit size is efficient enough to smoke a few pounds or a few hundred pounds all while being cost effective. Larger operations can install multiple units side by side for smoking multiple protein/recipe profiles for higher capacities. Game Changer ® Smoker is the future of cooking in commercial kitchen applications due to it being multi-use — a Cold Smoker, Hot Smoker, Dehydrator, Retherming and Holding Cabinet for your production needs. It is the perfect product that increases output and has multiple uses - all in one unit.
Cold Smoking Cheese in The Game Changer ®
See how Executive Chef Tripp Rion cold smokes cheese with the Game Changer ®!
Electric Cold Smoker for the Commercial Kitchen
The Game Changer ® is an electric commercial convection smoker that meets the needs of small and large operators. The electric unit helps commercial kitchens in several different ways. It needs NO gas line and it does NOT need to be placed directly under a hood. There are no installation costs and its vertical design is a space saver.

The unit is low maintenance and easy to clean. You can roll it in and out of your kitchen space on its heavy duty casters, and you only need a 220V 30 amp plug and path for smoke evacuation (via a hood or directly vent outside). Dedicated hood space is not required, saving thousands of dollars (it can be up to 10’ away from a kitchen hood). The Game Changer ® Smoker uses pellets to add flavor to the smoke. We offer our own GC Smoker branded Real Wood Pellets with multiple flavor profiles to choose from. Only 1.25 cups per hour of wood pellets are needed to add flavor to the smoke.
The Game Changer Smoker features 65 square feet of cooking space, including 20 removable 18” x 26” bakery racks with 3 inch spacing. It provides the quality and consistency that you are looking for every time, on any setting that you choose. Our multi-use unit works well for:
College Kitchens
Concert Venues
Test Kitchens
Catering Companies
Any Commercial Kitchen
Contact us today to get a quote for the Game Changer Cold Smoker. Game On, Smoke on!
Butcher Daniel Davis on Cold Smoking with The Game Changer ®
Butcher Daniel Davis, a chef at Dusek’s, Tack Room and Punch House in Chicago, IL, shares the creative ways he uses the Game Changer ® to cold smoke in his commercial kitchen for these restaurants.
"If you consider ALL the cooking capabilities of a Game Changer Smoker INCLUDING the volume it can produce and the fact that most higher end single stack Combis cost the same if not more, the value is definitely there!"
Chef Robin Hernaez | Vice President, Culinary | Eurest USA
“By far the best smoker on the market, I use mine several times per week. Yes I’ve won several competitions with it. Any info I can help with please reach out.”
Chef Scott Goodstal | Executive Chef | University of New Orleans
"I can tell you these smokers are awesome. The technology and ease of use are astounding and quality of smoke either cold or hot smoke is unmatched.”
Chef Travis Ramsdell | Regional Executive Chef | Chartwells
Learn More About the Game Changer’s Other Functions
Hot Smoker
The Game Changer ® Smoking System functions as a versatile hot smoker, perfect for smoking meats, poultry, seafood, vegetables and more, with consistent results every time.
In addition to its smoking capabilities, the Game Changer ® can also dehydrate beef jerky, fruits, herbs and more for long-term preservation and flavorful snacks.
Retherming and Holding Cabinet
The Game Changer ® can also function as a retherming and holding cabinet, keeping food at the perfect temperature for serving without overcooking or drying out.

“Kitchen Up” with GAME CHANGER ® Commercial Convection Smoker
In stock and Ready to ship.