GAME CHANGER Becomes a Trojan

Thirty years after he arrived on campus as a college freshmen, Aaron Norris, is taking a trip back to the hallowed halls of his alma mater - Taylor University. Norris spent his four years on campus studying hard and playing football for the Trojans.  After graduating in 1993 with a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication, he has been running Norris Thermal Technologies for the past three decades and was one of the creators of the revolutionary GAME CHANGER Smoker in 2016. 

Executive Chef at Taylor University, Nathaniel Malone, is excited to implement this new piece of technology into their kitchen. While exploring his options, he was drawn to the GAME CHANGER’s easy-to-use operating system and WIFI enabled monitoring and adjusting features.  “At Taylor dining we are always looking for new ways to bring flavor and innovation to the campus,” stated Chef Malone, “and being able to smoke our own ingredients versus paying a premium for lower quality, big, brand items is a real ‘game changer.’”

Chef Malone and his team are excited to exemplify Taylor University’s mission of supporting the local community as well as their own alumni.  Norris will play a key role in the installation of the GAME CHANGER Smoker at Taylor Dining on July 11th. 


What is a BOUCHERIE???


GAME CHANGER Teams up with Boelter